A series of technical reports developed by independent consultants to support the Integrated Watershed Planning Process.
Background Technical Report #1:
Surface Water Quality
The first in a series of four technical reports developed by independent consultants to support the IWMP process, this report includes draft water quality objectives (i.e., targets) for the main stem of the Red Deer River. The report “Draft site-specific water quality objectives for the Red Deer River basin with emphasis on the mainstem” was led by Dr. Anne-Marie Anderson and supported by a Technical Advisory Committee with input from the public.
Background Technical Report #2:
Wetlands, Riparian Areas, and Land Use
Led by O2 Planning + Design, the second technical report focused on issues and management opportunities related to wetlands, riparian areas, and land use. The report was guided by a Technical Advisory Committee and input from the public.
Background Technical Report #3: Surface Water Quantity and Groundwater Resources
Led by O2 Planning + Design, the third report highlighted issues and opportunities linked to the management of surface water quantity and groundwater resources. The report was guided by a Technical Advisory Committee and input from the public.
Background Technical Report #4: Terrestrial and Aquatic Biodiversity
This report provides a foundation for strategies related to terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in the watershed. Led by O2 Planning + Design, the report was also guided by a Technical Advisory Committee and input from the public.