The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance provides a forum for different sectors to engage on a variety of policy and planning files related to watershed management. As a designated Watershed Planning and Advisory Council under the Government of Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy, our approach is science-based and grounded in multi-sector dialogue.

Policy Statements and Resources
The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance recognizes that many land and water resource issues are complex; with different perspectives on issues, opportunities, and best practices. As a non-partisan, science-based, and multi-sector organization, our work informs an ongoing dialogue about watershed management in the Red Deer River watershed.
The Policy Statements and Resources below were approved by a majority of the RDRWA’s multi-sector Board of Directors. While the RDRWA does not have any formal decision-making authority, these Policy Statements may inform management by various stakeholders. These statements are snapshots in time.
Statement Documents

Hydraulic Fracturing management recommendations (2020)
In response to stakeholder and community concerns related to hydraulic fracturing and potential implications for the Red Deer River watershed, the RDRWA has developed a fact sheet about hydraulic fracturing trends in the basin, alongside the nine high-level management recommendations in this document. These documents are intended as companion documents

Sand and Gravel
This statement was developed by the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance in response to the review of the provincial sand and gravel program by Alberta Environment and Parks in 2017. The RDRWA’s multi-sector Board voted to approve this statement, and the statement was shared with Alberta Environment and Parks as part of the official program review.

Land Use in Bighorn Country
This policy statement provides an overview of the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance’s official submission on land use in Bighorn Country. This work was conducted in alignment with an engagement process led by AEP in 2019 regarding a proposal to establish Bighorn Country. This was passed by a majority of our Board members in February 2019.