
RDRWA WPAC Summit highlights

The Annual Watershed Planning and Advisory Council Summit was hosted by the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance on October 12th and 13th in Drumheller, Alberta. There were staff and board representatives present from all 11 WPACs along with rights holders…

RDRWA tours Dickson Dam

The Dickson Dam was host to RDRWA board members and guests on Tuesday October 17th. The purpose was to tour the facilities, learn about dam operations, and better understand the dam’s important role in the watershed. The Dickson Dam was built in 1984 and is operated by the Government…

RDRWA wraps up CABIN Sampling

The Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) measures freshwater ecosystem health with standardized methods, database, activities map, and training. Changes in biological communities provide a picture of aquatic health and are used in other provincial subwatersheds and across Canada for assessment…

RDRWA thanks Amy Charles

The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance would like to thank Amy Charles for her dedication and hard work during her time with the organization.  As the Indigenous Knowledge and Outreach Coordinator, Amy was committed to building relationships with communities and…

RDRWA Collaborates on Riparian Planting event

On September 22 -23, with funding through the Watershed Restoration and Resiliency Program (WRRP) and in collaboration with Trout Unlimited Canada, Red Deer River Watershed Alliance (RDRWA)hosted workdays for bioengineering along Cabin Creek. Cabin Creek is located in the headwaters…

RDRWA hosts CABIN event

The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance hosted a CABIN sampling event on September 17th at Fort Normandeau to learn about and support local biomonitoring in the Red Deer River. CABIN stands for Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network and it is a…