Make a difference for our lands, waters, and communities.
The RDRWA is a non-profit organization and relies on fundraising efforts, sponsors, and major funders for financial support. Like a river, every drop counts.
Your support makes a real difference. All funds go towards supporting our programs in service of a healthy, dynamic, and sustainable Red Deer River watershed.
The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Society is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Any one-time or recurring donations to the RDRWA over $20 will receive a charitable tax receipt upon request.
The best way to donate is through ATB Cares (Alberta Treasury Branch), because ATB matches 15% of every dollar donated to an annual limit of up to $5,000 per charity or $1,000 per donation..
Donations can also be arranged via credit card, money order, or cheque. For more information, call 403-340-7379 or email info (@)
Also, please consider becoming an RDRWA member by clicking here. It’s free and you will be the first to hear about upcoming news and events in the watershed.

ATB Financial will match 15% of all donations to the RDRWA through up to a maximum of $5000 per charity or $1,000 per donation.