The conservation and restoration of riparian areas is an essential strategy for improving water quality and mitigating floods and droughts in the Red Deer River watershed. The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance (RDRWA) is proud to launch our new riparian video , which profiles a recent RDRWA project – the first of its kind in the Red Deer River watershed – to map riparian intactness (a measure of riparian condition) along thousands of kilometers of shoreline in the Medicine-Blindman Rivers sub-watershed.
The results of this project and subsequent partner and landowner engagement are helping to fill a key data gap in watershed management and directly help to support local riparian conservation, restoration and stewardship efforts that enhance ecosystem resilience.

We hope this video will spark ongoing dialogue about riparian management and stewardship, and help guide municipal efforts related to planning, conservation, restoration and education initiatives in central Alberta. For more information on how you can conserve and protect riparian areas, please visit RDRWA’s website at: and the Riparian Web Portal at:
Thank you to the Government of Alberta’s Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program (WRRP) for its financial support of this project.