Welcome New Councils!

The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance would like to extend a warm welcome to the councillors, mayors and reeves elected in October 2021. We look forward to the opportunity to work together on watershed projects in your communities. 

The RDRWA is available to provide support to our municipal colleagues on issues related to water and land-use information in the Red Deer River watershed. To better serve our rural and urban municipal partners, we’ve compiled some of the top resources for different watershed topics including policy and management, land use, riparian areas, wetlands and more. Be sure to also check out the RDRWA’s reports, maps, Source Waters film, and projects for more specific information relevant to the watershed, available at www.rdrwa.ca.

The Alliance also wishes to extend our sincerest appreciation to all outgoing elected officials for their service. It has been a pleasure to work with many of you over the past four years, and we wish you well in your future endeavours.