RDRWA Annual Report for 2020-21

Hot off the presses! We are pleased to share our new Annual Report, which profiles the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance’s core work and the progress we have made over the past year.

This year also marks the 15th anniversary of the RDRWA. As we celebrate this milestone, we reflect on how our organization has grown since its inception in 2005. Over the past 15 years, the RDRWA has been fortunate to build a strong network of partners, stakeholders and members who have come together in support of advancing collaborative watershed management in central Alberta.

Watershed management takes a village. We are grateful to the countless individuals and organizations who contributed their knowledge, their time, and especially to those funders and supporters who helped us realize key initiatives like Blueprint, Project Blue Thumb, and our most recent Stories of the Watershed Project in myriad ways. As we look ahead to the next 15 years, we are confident in the importance and value of multi-sector, place-based watershed management, and welcome the continued opportunity to work together. Thank-you all!

With gratitude,

The RDRWA staff and Board of Directors