For once, the weather was “virtually” perfect for the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance’s 2020 Fall Forum and Webinar, held digitally via Zoom on Tuesday, November 24th.
After a warm welcome from the Alliance’s new Executive Director, Josée Méthot, Dr. Shari Clare with Fiera Biological Consulting gave a keynote presentation on Targeting the Conservation and Restoration of the Medicine-Blindman Rivers Watershed. There was excellent virtual attendance, with close to 70 people participating from across Alberta and elsewhere in Canada.
The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance partnered with Fiera Biological Consulting to assess riparian intactness (condition) along 1782 kilometres of shoreline in the Medicine-Blindman Rivers watershed using a GIS-based approach in 2020. This study area was selected because it includes important source water protection zones for the City of Red Deer, and because the area has been identified as a high priority for flood and drought mitigation.
The results of this study provide essential information to municipalities and other partners to help spatially target conservation and restoration efforts. The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance is continuing to work with these partners in 2021 to identify potential on-the-ground projects and to raise awareness about riparian areas and other natural assets.
Though we miss being able to connect with our members in person this year, we were pleased to see a diverse group of attendees and event feedback has been positive. Thank you to everyone who attended.